¡Momentos raros de la NBA con árbitros femeninos!

Momentos de «Fouling in love» de la NBA: no solo cuando Luka Doncic se enamoró del árbitro, sino también todos los aspectos destacados de las mujeres árbitros y basquetbolistas. Entonces, este video trata sobre los momentos de la NBA que te hacen reír y disfrutar de los jugadores más impresionantes. ¡Suscríbete a 94 PIES!

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45 comentarios en “¡Momentos raros de la NBA con árbitros femeninos!

  1. I think the part that disturbed me the most is the fact that nobody cares what affect this doctored photo could have had on Lebron s marriage. The fact that people would do anything for attention, including destroy a man’s relationship with his wife is absolutely appalling. Shame on whoever put this photo up, and please know that we will all stand before God in judgment one day. You will answer for your deeds. This is purely sick and inconsiderate.

  2. Funny how so many people didn't realize the cover image was photoshopped. Came here just to read people's reactions…they did not disappoint😂 😂

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